
Mirror's Magic- Eridan x Reader

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"Tonight everything is the magic of opposites, after all, I'm a magician meant just for you,"

    Eridan sat on the floor in his hive, a grimace on his face like usual. In the front of him was his computer, where a memo of Karkat's was opened, and some of his "friends", if you could call them that, were talking amongst each other. Eridan called him a Prince of Darkness, where one of the only trolls who he could hold a real friendship with for so long, was Feferi. But, she had been distant lately, spending more time with her lusus, Gl'bgolyb. The strange part is, she hadn't even asked him to find more lusus corpses for her. He felt lonely, more lonely than usual.

    A ping from his computer sounded distant, even if it was mere feet away. He stood up slowly, brushing himself off and checking for any wrinkles in his violet cape, he glided over to the computer and sat down, his nose in the air. He glared at the screen, and saw purple text on the screen, only one caste below his. Damn him, he thought to himself. Just the troll I didn't want to hear from.

    It was tradition that violet bloods, sea dwellers, would be violent towards purple bloods, land dwellers. But it had once been the other way. In the time of Eridan's ancestor, if that whole ancestor story wasn't a bunch of crap, the roles were reversed. The Grand Highblood, a troll with the highest caste of blood possible for a land dweller, was responsible for Orphaner Dualscar's death. The Grand Highblood was Gamzee's ancestor, while Dualscar, unfortunately, was Eridan's, and he was disgusted by the fact. 

-- terminallyCapricious began trolling caligulasAquarium --

TC: HeY mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg SeA nEiGhBoR.
TC: WhY dOn'T yOu AlL uP aNd MoThErFuCkInG cOmE tO sHoRe?
TC: I mIgHt HaVe SoMeThInG tHaT yOu'D lIkE, bRo.
CA: and wwhat, might i ask, is it
CA: if its another faygo, im tellin kar he has permission to full out rant to you
CA: please tell me its not another faygo
CA: the last ones you forced me to take wwere awwful
TC: No BrO, tHiS iSn'T a BoTtLe Of ThE wIcKeD eLiXer.
TC: ThIs TiMe At LeAst. :0)
TC: It'S a MoThErFuCkInG sHiNy pIeCe Of MiRaClEs.
TC: I cAn SeE mYsElF iN iT!
CA: gam...
CA: thats a mirror
TC: Oh ShIt, So ThAt'S wHaT tHiS iS cAlLeD?
CA: you contacted me to say that you havve a fuckin mirror
CA: wwhat the fuck gam
TC: MaYbE yOu'D wAnT iT fOr DeCorAtIoN?
CA: ....
CA: givve me a bit
TC: HoNk

-- caligulasAquarium ceased trolling terminallyCapricious --

    Eridan gritted his teeth and stood up, gliding over to the window and seeing Gamzee's hive in the distant. That fuckin clown, Eridan thought to himself. One of these days, BOOM. Straight to space. Along with all those other land dwellers.

    Glancing down at Ahab's Crosshairs, he promptly left his hive and stood on the patch of land his hive sat on. He whistled, and out came his lusus, a seahorse. Eridan climbed onto his back and announced "to shore!" and off they went. 

Eridan hopped off of his lusus, who neighed in return and waited at the shore lines for him. Gamzee was waiting outside of his hive on the beach, his husktop sitting in front of him, and a Faygo in his hand. 

"Alright Gam, wwhere is it?" He asked. Gamzee stood up and ushered him into the hive behind him. Eridan stalked in, pulling his cape around him slightly, glaring at the walls and anything else.

"Here it is!" It was fucking huge. It was taller than Eridan, and he was one of the taller trolls. Not as tall as Gamzee, but the mirror was even taller than him by a bit. It leaned against the wall, and blocked the hallway a bit.

"Howw wwould I get that back to my hivve if it's that fuckin big?" Eridan asked, knocking on the mirror a bit. Gamzee stared at him with that grin on his face.

"I don't know bro, but I can all up and motherfucking see if our blue friend can help," he offered.

"Equius? Oh god no," Eridan spat. But Gamzee was already walking out of the room, and Eridan turned back to the mirror.

    Placing his hand on it, he felt warmth flow through his fingers and up through his arm. That was the least of his worries, however. When he looked to see his reflection, he didn't see himself, but a crying female troll. One that he had never seen before.

    He jumped back and his fins flared out, along with his gills flaring, showing off the violet flesh hidden underneath. However, it was of no use with that scarf, and he fiddled with it a bit while staring at the girl.

    She was...beautiful. Eridan couldn't help but stare. Her hair was flowing and (h/l), and her eyes were black, showing that she was about his age. Her tears were a diluted (b/c), and Eridan wanted to wipe them away from her skin, but when he reached out, his hand hit the mirror.

    The troll gasped and flinched when she heard the bang of the glass against eridan's claws. Her wide eyes stared at him, and Eridan stood tall, despite being absolutely in awe.

"Hello there," he started. She bit her lip, which was the same as her blood color. Lipstick, he knew, as all trolls have black lips.

"H-hello," she said. Eridan's blood pumper picked up in speed as she held up her hand to where his was. And once again, he felt the warmth.

"My name is Eridan Ampora, and you are?" He asked. She glanced around her, and seemed worried. Eridan was about to take it back, but she stopped him.

"I'm (f/n) (l/n)." She paused a minute. "Why are you here?" She asked. He shrugged and leaned closer to the mirror.

"I dunno, wwhy are you here?" He asked, letting his accent slip out. "This is the mirror that's been in my respiteblock for perigees! I've always seen my reflection in it, except for this time!" She exclaimed.

    Eridan found her so easy to talk to, after he explained the circumstance. Before long she was laughing, but he felt sadness, impending doom. He was so absorbed by the conversation, that he didn't notice Gamzee walk back in.

"Woah, that's a motherfucking miracle right there," he said blankly. Eridan snapped his head around to look at the tall troll, and (f/n) turned away, ready to leave at any moment, but Eridan placed his hand against the glass, and she stayed. "Anyways," Gamzee went on, "I contacted Equius, and he said he's busy, so I'm going to try and move it again. Stand back, bro," he walked over to the mirror and placed both hand on either side of the mirror, and the girl disappeared. 

    Eridan stared in shock as Gamzee picked it up, walked into the hallway a few steps, and promptly dropped the mirror on the floor, shattering it. Eridan felt his heart drop, and he pushed Gamzee away.

"Wwhat did you do that for?" Eridan yelled. "You had a fuckin grip on it, didn't you?" Gamzee shrugged.

"I dunno bro, it just motherfucking slipped. You know how that goes, you're destined to succeed with some things, but not everything." Deep advice, but Eridan was pissed off. Saying a grim bye to Gamzee, he stepped over the broken glass, but stopped and turned back to it, seeing Gamzee try to pick some pieces up, and then cutting himself. But Gamzee seemed to not even notice, and threw them down on his table, then pick more up.

    Eridan kneeled down to the floor, and picked up a piece of glass, which was jagged, and cut his finger right under the claw. He cursed, but took the piece anyways and slipped it into his pocket. He turned around sharply, and left on his lusus, not looking back.

"She was absolutely beautiful," Eridan sighed out to his lusus. The seahorse just shook his head and continued on. "I just hope, she remembers me," he whispered as he waved to Feferi in the distance. 

    Responsibilities or not, she would remain in his thoughts for as long as he could control it. And then some.

In the words of every one of my watchers, "Someone really needs to stop bringing Fanfic back to life."

Yup but here I am. Sorry guys, I'm meaning to finish my commissions and upload them and everything, as well as countless requests, but I've been a bit sidetracked.

First is that rant I uploaded, it can tell you the main problems. But no, you probably shouldn't read it. No pity parties allowed on this profile! (Save it for notes...just kidding.)

Secondly, I've been studying the human body! As well as Psychology and mental illness! I find it all so fascinating! I love to learn out eyes, the brain, the heart, as well as mental disorders and dreams! 
I've been so interested lately that I'm planning to major in Psychology in college, and minor in Creative Writing, if everything goes right! 

Also, for my sophomore year, which is coming up this august, I've chosen to take Principles of Human Sciences, instead of Creative Writing. I'll probably take that junior year, when I have more electives. But with that Human Sciences course, if I do well, by time I graduate high school, I'll be a registered nurse! It's so exciting to me, to think that I can help people! 

Rambling time over! Anyways, this is based off a Vocaloid song I found a few months ago, called Mirror's Magic, sung by Len Kagamine. Yeah, that Vocaloid. I don't listen to him very often anymore, but it's still a great song! It's companion song, Magical Mirror, is pretty good as well! I'm sure you can find them by searching them in Youtube! 

Uh, Gamzee was in this for the purpose of aesthetic. It was pleasing to me to have him in there, interacting with Eridan, since they didn't do it very much in canon before getting into a 3X Showdown with Vriska.

I meant for this to be an AU, but I guess it could be Pre-Sgrub? It's up to you, really.

Anyways, credit time!

Homestuck belongs to :iconhussieplz:
Picture belongs to misomin77
Fanfic belongs to Fanfic-Queen (Who would've thought?!)
© 2015 - 2024 Vincebae
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Nerukimi-the-Absol's avatar
I like this. I like this and the other comments a lot.